Patty Gurley

F, b. 3 May 1769
FatherGeorge Gurley Junior b. c 1727, d. b 21 May 1804
MotherMary Willis b. c 1729
     Patty Gurley was born on 3 May 1769.1,2 She witnessed a land transaction of her brother, George Gurley Jr. and Kinchen Martin on 14 November 1792 at Southampton County, Virginia; when George Gurley bought from his brother in law, Kinchen Martin of Anson County, North Carolina a £18 interest in 145 Acres claimed under will of his father,James Martin (the father-in-law of George Gurley), deceased, to land now in tenure of his mother, Amey Martin (George Gurley's mother-in-law). The resulting transaction provided that the land to be divided after the death of Amey between Knchen Martin and George Gurley. This obviously was very important to the entire Gurley family. Witnesses were John Gurley (his brother), Newit Edwards (his brother in law), George Gurley (his father), Lucy Thomas (his sister), and Patty Gurley (his sister). This deed was proved in open court June 14, 1793 by John Gurley.3


  1. [S8] A.E. Gurley Notes;, p.22, No source listed.
  2. [S55] Catherine Lindsay Knorr, Marriage Bonds and Ministers Returns of Southampton County, VA 1750-1810, p.50, 8 Oct. 1787. Jerry DRAKE and Polly Gurley. Sur. Benjamin Edwards. Wit. Benjamin Blunt, Jr.
  3. [S166] Letter, Justus R. Moll to John M. Bradley, January 1947, Item B-74. Cited Southampton Deed Book 7 p.831.

John Gurley

M, b. 1768, d. circa 1806
FatherGeorge Gurley Junior b. c 1727, d. b 21 May 1804
MotherMary Willis b. c 1729
     John Gurley was born in 1768; John was listed as an over 21 year old white tithable in the tax list of 1789. He was living on his father's property.1 He was listed on the tax list as an over 21 year old white male living in the household of his father, George Gurley Junior in 1789 at Southampton County, Virginia; seven slaves (two under 16) and four horses. His son, John Gurley was listed as an over 21 year old tithable white male who was living in the household.2,3 John Gurley was listed the tax list as living in the household of his father, George Gurley Junior in 1790 at Southampton County, Virginia; five slaves (one between 12 and 16) and 4 horses. John Gurley, his son, also was living in the household.2,4 John Gurleysigned a petition opposing the taking by the government of the property of the former Church of England, in this case the glebe (pastors quarters) before 15 November 1790 at Southampton County, Virginia.5 He was on the tax list living with his father, George Gurley Junior on 12 August 1791 at Southampton County, Virginia; 6 slaves (four were over 16, 2 were between 12-16) and 6 horses. It also appears that 269 acres of his land was deaded to his son, John Gurley who was living in the household.2,6 John Gurley was listed on the tax list as living in the household of his father, George Gurley Junior on 29 March 1792 at Southampton County, Virginia; 6 slaves (two were under 16) and nine horses. Son, John Gurley was also living in the household.2,7 John Gurley and George Gurley Junior were involved in a land transfer on on 9 October 1792 at Southampton County, Virginia, when his father, George Gurley gave John Gurley two tracts of land, one that was 175 Acres originally purchased from Richard Vick and the other was 94 Acres originally purchased from William Vick..8 John Gurley witnessed a purchase of interest in land by his brother, George Gurley Jr. and Kinchen Martin on 14 November 1792 at Southampton County, Virginia; when George Gurley bought from his brother in law, Kinchen Martin of Anson County, North Carolina a £18 interest in 145 Acres claimed under will of his father,James Martin (the father-in-law of George Gurley), deceased, to land now in tenure of his mother, Amey Martin (George Gurley's mother-in-law). The resulting transaction provided that the land to be divided after the death of Amey between Knchen Martin and George Gurley. This obviously was very important to the entire Gurley family. Witnesses were John Gurley (his brother), Newit Edwards (his brother in law), George Gurley (his father), Lucy Thomas (his sister), and Patty Gurley (his sister). This deed was proved in open court June 14, 1793 by John Gurley.9 John Gurley waslisted on the on 22 March 1793 tax list of at St. Lukes Parish, Southampton County, Virginia, his household's taxable property included three blacks over 16, four head of cattle, and two parcels of land: one of 269 Acres and another of 175 acres. Henry Johnson was also reported living in the household.10,11 He waslisted on the on 29 March 1794 tax list of at St. Lukes Parish, Southampton County, Virginia, his household's taxable property included 7 blacks over 16 and two between 12 and 16, he owned six head of livestock. His father, George was living with him. George had 94 taxable acres.2,12 He waslisted on the in 1795 tax list of at St. Lukes Parish, Southampton County, Virginia, his household's taxable property included eight slaves including 6 blacks over 16 and 2 between 12 and 16, 3 head of cattle and a two wheel jig. His father George and Benj. Cabet was living in John's house.2,13 He waslisted on the in 1796 tax list of at St. Lukes Parish, Southampton County, Virginia, his household's taxable property included six blacks over 16 and two between 12 and 16, four head of cattle and a two wheel jig. His land included two tracts of 269 and 175 acres. His dad, George Gurley Sr. and Benjamin Sevrell was living with his household.2,14 He waslisted on the on 14 April 1797 tax list of at St. Lukes Parish, Southampton County, Virginia, his household's taxable property included five blacks over 16 and two between 12 and 16. He had three head of cattle. Two parcels of land: 269 and 175 acres. There was an additional white male over 16 living in John Gurley's household.2,15 He waslisted on the in 1798 tax list of at St. Lukes Parish, Southampton County, Virginia, his household's taxable property included himself, one black between 12 and 16 and four over 16. He had three head of cattle. He paid $2.02 in taxes in 1798.16 He waslisted on the in 1799 tax list of at St. Lukes Parish, Southampton County, Virginia, his household's taxable property included himself, four blacks over 16, two head of cattle and 175 acres of land. He paid $2.00 in taxes in 1799.2,17 He was left, land and negros for life, if he pays his debts, in the will of George Gurley Junior on 21 October 1799 at Southampton County, Virginia; he left bequests to his son George Jr., son John, and his wife Mary. George Jr. got the plantation after his mother, Mary died, Mary got a life-time right in the plantation and the slaves, John was left land and and the slaves for life if John pays his debts.18 John Gurley waslisted on the in 1800 tax list of at St. Lukes Parish, Southampton County, Virginia, his household's taxable property included himself, one black between 12 and 16, four who were over 16 and two head of cattle. According to Cooke, he owned 175 acres. In 1800 he paid $2.44 in tax.2,19 He waslisted on the in 1801 tax list of at St. Lukes Parish, Southampton County, Virginia, his household's taxable property was inventoried on March 16. Taxes were levied on himself, one black between 12 and 16, four blacks over 16, two head of cattle and a two wheel jig. W.R. Cooke noted that John owned two parcels of land containing 269 and 175 acres. He paid $3.30 in tax.2,20 He waslisted on the in 1802 tax list of at St. Lukes Parish, Southampton County, Virginia, his household's taxable property was inventoried on June 26, it levied taxes on himself, one slave 12 - 16 years old, and four over 16. He had three head of cattle and a two wheel jig. According to Cooke, he owned 175 acres of land. Taxes were assessed at $3.42 for the year.2,21 He waslisted on the in 1803 tax list of at St. Lukes Parish, Southampton County, Virginia, his household's taxable property was inventoried on March 21, it levied taxes on himself, three slaves over 16. He had four head of cattle and a two wheeled riding cart. Taxes were assessed at $3.10 for the year.2,22 He waslisted on the in 1804 tax list of at St. Lukes Parish, Southampton County, Virginia, his household's taxable property was assessed on April 16 it included himself, four slaves (three were over 16), four head of cattle and a two wheel jig. He owed 175 acres according to Cooke. He paid $3.10.2 He waslisted on the in 1805 tax list of at St. Lukes Parish, Southampton County, Virginia, his household's taxable property was inventoried March 18. He was the only tithable male over 16. His property included three slaves over 16, five head of cattle, and a two wheel jig. He owned 175 acres of land.2,23 He and George Gurley Jr. were involved in a land transaction when John and his wife Elizabeth sold to George for £200, 175 Acres that was originally purchased by their father from Richard Vick. Both of them signed the document. on 12 September 1805 at Southampton County, Virginia. John Gurley left a will that was executed on 17 October 1805 at Southampton County, Virginia, Will of John Gurley of Southampton Co. VA

In the name of God, Amen (etc.)

To his nephew, John Edwards, a negro boy named Jack.
To his nephew, John Drake, a negro boy named Bob.
"To my wife, Elisabeth W. Gurley and her heirs forever all my land and tenements. "

It appoints her sole heir of all property except above legacies and names her the sole executrix. Dated Oct. 17, 1805 Signed John Gurley (his seal) in prescence of John Whitbee, Patsey Drake, Benjamin Edwards, and Littleberry Baines. Probated Feb. 16, 1807.

Inventory of Estate on March 2, 1807 lists five slaves animals, tools, furniture, cooking utinsils, etc.24 He died circa 1806 at Southampton County, Virginia; in 1807, John Gurley is no longer listed as head of household on the tax lists, his wife, Elizabeth W. Gurley is listed as owning 145 acres.2 He waslisted on the in 1806 tax list of at St. Lukes Parish, Southampton County, Virginia, his household's taxable property included four slaves over 16 years old, four head of cattle and a two wheel jig. His land holdings included 145 acres. He paid $3.10 of property taxes.2,25


  1. [S8] A.E. Gurley Notes;, p.22, No source listed. Date given as October 18, 1771.
  2. [S178] Gurley Family Research by Justus R. Moll, Typewritten Notes Western Historical Documents Collection, A summary of Southampton County tax records researched by Genealogist W.R. Cooke Jr.
  3. [S181] Unknown repository address Virginia Personal Property Tax List 1782 -1792 Southampton County, Property list was collected September 1, 1789. Household was noted as George Gurley Sen. included George and his son, John as white tithables over 21. There were 5 blacks over 16 and two under sixteen; they also had four horses.
  4. [S181] Unknown repository address Virginia Personal Property Tax List 1782 -1792 Southampton County, George and his son, John were living in the same household. John was listed as a white male tithable over 21. There were four blacks over 16 and one 12-16 in the home, they owned four horses.
  5. [S170] Library of Congress Web Site, by unknown photographer, November 15, 1790. p.5 Column 1 signature of John Gurley.
  6. [S181] Unknown repository address Virginia Personal Property Tax List 1782 -1792 Southampton County, George Gurley sen. household included his son, John, listed as a tithable over 21. four blacks 16+, 2 black 12-16, and six horses.
  7. [S181] Unknown repository address Virginia Personal Property Tax List 1782 -1792 Southampton County, George Gurley Sen. household included son John Gurley, 4 Blacks over 16 and two under and 9 horses.
  8. [S166] Letter, Justus R. Moll to John M. Bradley, January 1947, B-73 Cited source as Southampton Co. Deed Book 7, p.300.
  9. [S166] Letter, Justus R. Moll to John M. Bradley, January 1947, Item B-74. Cited Southampton Deed Book 7 p.831.
  10. [S178] Gurley Family Research by Justus R. Moll, Typewritten Notes Western Historical Documents Collection, A summary of Southampton County tax records researched by Genealogist W.R. Cooke Jr. indicated that Joseph Gurley was absent from the 1816 tax list of Southampton County. He was listed 1800 - 1815.
  11. [S369] Unknown repository address Filmed May 24, 1993 Southampton, Virginia Personal Property Tax 1792 - 1806, John Gurley household. March 22, 1793. John Gurley, 3 Blacks 16+, and 4 head of cattle. Also living in the house was Henry Johnson a white male over 16.
  12. [S369] Unknown repository address Filmed May 24, 1993 Southampton, Virginia Personal Property Tax 1792 - 1806, John Gurley household. March 29, 1794. John Gurley and George Sen., 7 Blacks 16+ and two between 12 and 16, and 6 head of cattle.
  13. [S369] Unknown repository address Filmed May 24, 1993 Southampton, Virginia Personal Property Tax 1792 - 1806, 1795 John Gurley, George Gurley Sen, and Benjamin Cabet. Six blacks over 16, 2 between 12 and 16. Three head of Cattle and a two wheeled riding jig.
  14. [S181] Unknown repository address Virginia Personal Property Tax List 1782 -1792 Southampton County, John Gurley household. Included John and George Gurley Sen as white tithables. There were 6 blacks over 16 and 2 between 12 and 16. Four head of cattle and a 2 wheel jig.
  15. [S181] Unknown repository address Virginia Personal Property Tax List 1782 -1792 Southampton County, John Gurley household included 5 blacks over 16 and two between 12 and 16. Also had three head of cattle.
  16. [S181] Unknown repository address Virginia Personal Property Tax List 1782 -1792 Southampton County, John Gurley household included 1 tithable white males over 16, 1 black between 12 and 16 and four over 16. He owne three head of cattler. Paid $2.02.
  17. [S181] Unknown repository address Virginia Personal Property Tax List 1782 -1792 Southampton County, John Gurley household included 1 tithable white males over 16, four blacks over 16. He owned two head of cattler. Paid $2.00.
  18. [S166] Letter, Justus R. Moll to John M. Bradley, January 1947, Item B-68 Cited Southampton Will Book 5, p.500.
  19. [S181] Unknown repository address Virginia Personal Property Tax List 1782 -1792 Southampton County, John Gurley household included 1 tithable white males over 16, one black under 12 and four blacks over 16. He owned two head of cattle. Paid $2.44.
  20. [S181] Unknown repository address Virginia Personal Property Tax List 1782 -1792 Southampton County, John Gurley household included 1 tithable white males over 16, one black 12 -16 and four blacks over 16. He owned two head of cattle and a two wheeled riding jig. Paid $3.30.
  21. [S181] Unknown repository address Virginia Personal Property Tax List 1782 -1792 Southampton County, John Gurley household included 1 tithable white males over 16, one black 12 -16 and four blacks over 16. He owned two head of cattle and a two wheeled riding jig. Paid $3.42.
  22. [S181] Unknown repository address Virginia Personal Property Tax List 1782 -1792 Southampton County, John Gurley household included 1 tithable white males over 16, three blacks over 16. He owned four head of cattle and a two wheeled riding jig. Paid $3.10.
  23. [S181] Unknown repository address Virginia Personal Property Tax List 1782 -1792 Southampton County, John Gurley household included 1 tithable white males over 16, three blacks over 16. He owned five head of cattle and a two wheeled riding jig. Paid $2.78.
  24. [S166] Letter, Justus R. Moll to John M. Bradley, January 1947, Item 69. Cited Southampton Will Book 6 p. 405.
  25. [S181] Unknown repository address Virginia Personal Property Tax List 1782 -1792 Southampton County, 1806 John Gurley household included 1 tithable white males over 16, four blacks over 16. He owned four head of cattle and a two wheeled riding jig. Paid $3.10.

Mary Willis Gurley

F, b. 5 March 1817, d. 29 April 1817
FatherHenry Gurley b. a 1775, d. 26 Dec 1825
MotherRebecca B. Gurley b. b 1796
     Mary Willis Gurley was born on 5 March 1817.1 She died on 29 April 1817.2 She was buried after 29 April 1817 at Graveyard of Capt. Johnathan Chriehton, Jerusalem, Southampton County, Virginia.3


  1. [S25] "Gurley-Little Family Bible", "Mary Willis, daughter of Henry and Rebecca B. Gurley was born the 5th March 1817."
  2. [S25] "Gurley-Little Family Bible", "Mary Willis daughter of Henry and Rebecca Gurley departed life on the 29th April 1817 and was interred in the Grave Yard of Capt. John Coiehlou (Jerusalem).
  3. [S25] "Gurley-Little Family Bible", Mary Willis Daughter of Henry and Rebecca Gurley Departed this life on the 29th April 1817 and was intered in the Grave Yard of Capt. Jno Criehton (Jerusalem).

William Daniel Gurley

M, b. 12 March 1819, d. after 1836
FatherHenry Gurley b. a 1775, d. 26 Dec 1825
MotherRebecca B. Gurley b. b 1796
     William Daniel Gurley was born on 12 March 1819.1 He died after 1836; during and in the Texas War for Independence.2


  1. [S25] "Gurley-Little Family Bible", "William Daniel (as above (reference to Henry and Rebecca Gurley)) was born 12 March 1819."
  2. [S30] Albert E. Gurley, AE Gurley, Gurley Family History 1897, p.247.

Richard Henry Gurley

M, b. 29 September 1820, d. 26 December 1836
FatherHenry Gurley b. a 1775, d. 26 Dec 1825
MotherRebecca B. Gurley b. b 1796
     Richard Henry Gurley was born on 29 September 1820.1 He died on 26 December 1836 at age 16.2


  1. [S25] "Gurley-Little Family Bible", "Richard Henry Gurley was born 29 Sept. 1820."
  2. [S25] "Gurley-Little Family Bible", "Richard H. Gurley departed this life December 26th 1836 at 1/2 past 4 O'clock."

George Thomas Gurley

M, b. 15 April 1822, d. 31 December 1832
FatherHenry Gurley b. a 1775, d. 26 Dec 1825
MotherRebecca B. Gurley b. b 1796
     George Thomas Gurley was born on 15 April 1822.1 He died on 31 December 1832 at age 10.2


  1. [S25] "Gurley-Little Family Bible", "George Thomas Gurley was born 15th April 1822."
  2. [S25] "Gurley-Little Family Bible", "George T. Gurley departed this life December 31, 1832."

Nathaniel Addison Gurley

M, b. 17 September 1823, d. 24 September 1824
FatherHenry Gurley b. a 1775, d. 26 Dec 1825
MotherRebecca B. Gurley b. b 1796
     Nathaniel Addison Gurley was born on 17 September 1823.1 He died on 24 September 1824 at age 1.2 He was buried after 27 September 1824 at "... was Intered in the Old family grave yard of his Grand Father Geo.", Southampton County, Virginia.2


  1. [S25] "Gurley-Little Family Bible", "Nathaniel Addison Gurley was born 17th Sept. 1823."
  2. [S25] "Gurley-Little Family Bible", "Nathaneil Addison son as above departed this life Sept. 27th 1824 about 5 O'Clock PM and was Interred in the Old family grave yard of his grandfather George Gurley."

Dr. John Willis Gurley

M, b. 10 December 1824, d. 19 December 1888
FatherHenry Gurley b. a 1775, d. 26 Dec 1825
MotherRebecca B. Gurley b. b 1796
     Dr. John Willis Gurley was born on 10 December 1824.1 He was educated in 1845 at University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; at the University of Pennsylvania and received his medical degree.2 He wasa signer of a petition to build a bridge across the Asamossock swamp on 11 May 1850 at Southampton County, Virginia.3 As of 1851, Dr. John Willis Gurley lived at Southampton County, Virginia; a neighborhood, three to seven miles east and southwast of the courthouse, above the Nottoway River. The neighborhood voted for many years Whig, the Gurley's and many neighbors supported Democrat candidates.4 He and Rebecca G. Little were issued a marriage bond on 15 October 1851 at Southampton County, Virginia.5 Dr. John Willis Gurley married Rebecca G. Little, daughter of Jesse G. Little, on 16 October 1851 at Jesse Little's house, Southamption County, Virginia.6,7 Dr. John Willis Gurley served as a member in the House of Delegates from between 1855 and 1856 at Richmond, Virginia.2 He was elected as democratic congressman to represent the county in the House of Delegates at Richmond Virginia on 24 May 1855 at Southampton County, Virginia.8 He married Anna Eliza Little, daughter of Jesse G. Little, on 27 September 1855 at Southamption County, Virginia.9,10 Dr. John Willis Gurley inherited slaves from his uncle Daniel B. Fenn (his mother's brother). Obviously, Dr. John Gurley was very fond of his uncle because it appears that his son Daniel was named after him. Daniel Fenn's bequest reads: after my wifes death, "salves to be loaned to nephew John W. Gurley, those born before 1850 and those born after 1850 until the males shall be 28 yrs. and the females 25 yrs." on 10 July 1856 at Prince George County, Virginia.11 Dr. John Willis Gurley is head of household on the census of 1860 at Prince George County, Virginia. JW Gurley noted as owning 52 slaves (reference page 71B of Slave Census Schedule). By the 1870 census, there were no African Americans with the last name Gurley living in the county.. Enumerated with were an unknown person.12 He was the son-in-law of Jesse G. Little wealthly; he owned seventy two slaves and had 1,129 improved acres that produced thirty-two bales of cotton in 1860 at Southampton County, Virginia.13 Dr. John Willis Gurley according to A.E. Gurley lived on, the Gurley Farm which was used as a hospital during the Civil War by the Union Army. According to historians of the Civil War, the farm was the site of a Confederate battle win. On June 23, 1864, "The First Battle of Weldon Railroad" took place. It was one of the first battles on the Jerusalam Plank Road and was refered to by the Confederates as "The Battle of the Gurley Farm." on 23 June 1864 at the old "Gurley Farm" located four miles from Petersburg just off the Jerusalam Plank Road, Prince George County, VirginiaG.2,14 He died on 7 April 1870 at Prince George County, VA, at age 45.15 He moved to at Norfolk, Virginia, in in 1878 and continued to practice medicine.2 He was still practicing medicine in 1888 at 171 Church, Norfolk, VA.16 He died on 19 December 1888 at Norfolk, Virginia, at age 64.17,18 He was buried after 19 December 1888 at Elmwood Cemetery, Norfolk, Virginia.19,20
Dr. John Willis Gurley marker. Elmwood Cemetery, Norfolk, VA (FindaGrave).

Family 1

Rebecca G. Little b. 27 Aug 1835, d. 1 Oct 1852

Family 2

Anna Eliza Little b. 10 Jul 1838, d. 15 Feb 1920


  1. [S25] "Gurley-Little Family Bible", "John Willis Gurley was born Dec. 10th 1824."
  2. [S30] Albert E. Gurley, AE Gurley, Gurley Family History 1897, p.248.
  3. [S139] Daniel W. Crofts, Cobb's Ordeal, p.53 "Saturday, 11 May 1850... The under signs do bind our selves to pay the sum Affixed to each of our names for the benefit of building a bridge a cross the Asamossock swamp near Halcume fording place for the benefit of the neighbour hood."
    Daniel Cobb $5... John W. Gurley $2.50.
  4. [S689] Daniel W. Crofts, Old Southampton: Politics and Society in a Virginia County, 1834-1869.
  5. [S178] Gurley Family Research by Justus R. Moll, Typewritten Notes Western Historical Documents Collection, "John W. Gurley, Doctor, to Rebecca T. Little, daughter of Jesse Little, consent dated October 15, 1851. Sec. and Wit.: William T. Sebrll, R.H. James. Married by Rev. Benjamin Devany."
  6. [S25] "Gurley-Little Family Bible", "Jon. W. Gurley and Rebecca G. Little were married in Southampton County 16 Oct. 1851."
  7. [S139] Daniel W. Crofts, Cobb's Ordeal, p.29 " white family was gorn to Mr. Littles to a wedding to see Rebeca & Gurley married I did not go because he did not give me a weedding & did them..."
  8. [S139] Daniel W. Crofts, Cobb's Ordeal, p.60 "Thursday, 24 May 1855...I acted as Clerk. The Demacrats Canadites Dr. Gurley to represent the County... The Demacrats seameth to be ahead Dr. Gurley has beat Dr. Kello the no nothing Canagate the Representitive by 73 votes."
  9. [S16] Cobbs of the Tidewater: p.212, "Three years later on September 27, 1855 he married Rebecca's half-siter Anna Little, also sixteen when they married."
  10. [S25] "Gurley-Little Family Bible", "Jno. W. Gurley and Annie E. Little were married in Southampton 27 Sept. 1855."
  11. [S272] Anne Bradbury Prrbles, "Loose Wills of Prince George County before 1865", p.12.
  12. [S939] Prince George County, VA Largest Slaveholders from 1860 Slave Census Schedules, online…
  13. [S689] Daniel W. Crofts, Old Southampton: Politics and Society in a Virginia County, 1834-1869, p.13 Jesse Little, (Dr. John W. Gurley's father-in-law), in 1860 owned 72 slaves, had 1,129 improved acres that produced 32 bales of cotton. He never served in county politics or in an office and rarely voted.
  14. [S551] The First Battle of the Weldon Railroad, online, Notes on the battle and map indicating location of Dr. Gurley's farm.
  15. [S16] Cobbs of the Tidewater: p.212, "They (Anna and John and family) moved to Prince George County in 1855 as Gurley had received a considerable inheritance there. Dr. Gurley died 7 April 1870."
  16. [S262] Norfolk City Directory, 1888.
  17. [S25] "Gurley-Little Family Bible", "Dr. Jno W. Gurley son of Henry and Rebecca Gurley departed this life in Norfolk City, VA on December 19, 1888. Buried Norfolk, VA."
  18. [S30] Albert E. Gurley, AE Gurley, Gurley Family History 1897, p.247.
  19. [S694] Cathy Osburn, FindaGrave Dr. John Willis Gurley (1824-1889) Memorial 5375522, Dr. John Willis Gurley 1824-1889, Elmwood Cemetery, Norfolk, Corfolk City, VA.
  20. [S25] "Gurley-Little Family Bible", Dr. Jno W. Gurley son of Henry and Rebecca Gurley departed this life in Norfolk City, VA on December 19, 1888. Buried Norfolk, VA."

Rebecca G. Little1

F, b. 27 August 1835, d. 1 October 1852
FatherJesse G. Little b. 5 May 1794, d. 14 Jul 1862
     Rebecca G. Little was born on 27 August 1835 at Southampton County, Virginia.2 She and Dr. John Willis Gurley were issued a marriage bond on 15 October 1851 at Southampton County, Virginia.3 Rebecca G. Little married Dr. John Willis Gurley, son of Henry Gurley and Rebecca B. Gurley, on 16 October 1851 at Jesse Little's house, Southamption County, Virginia.4,5 Rebecca G. Little died on 1 October 1852 at Southampton County, Virginia, at age 17.6,2,7 She was buried on 2 October 1852 at Jesse Littles home, Southampton County, Virginia.8


Dr. John Willis Gurley b. 10 Dec 1824, d. 19 Dec 1888


  1. [S25] "Gurley-Little Family Bible", p.3.
  2. [S25] "Gurley-Little Family Bible", "Rebecca G. Little was born in Southampton County 27 August 1835 and departed this life 1 Oct. 1852."
  3. [S178] Gurley Family Research by Justus R. Moll, Typewritten Notes Western Historical Documents Collection, "John W. Gurley, Doctor, to Rebecca T. Little, daughter of Jesse Little, consent dated October 15, 1851. Sec. and Wit.: William T. Sebrll, R.H. James. Married by Rev. Benjamin Devany."
  4. [S25] "Gurley-Little Family Bible", "Jon. W. Gurley and Rebecca G. Little were married in Southampton County 16 Oct. 1851."
  5. [S139] Daniel W. Crofts, Cobb's Ordeal, p.29 " white family was gorn to Mr. Littles to a wedding to see Rebeca & Gurley married I did not go because he did not give me a weedding & did them..."
  6. [S16] Cobbs of the Tidewater: p.212, Rebecca Little died in childbirth the next year (1852).
  7. [S139] Daniel W. Crofts, Cobb's Ordeal, p.30 "Friday 1 October 1852 ... My-self was at Doct. Gurleys after my wife. Rebecca, Gurley's wife, died at 4 o'clock and left an infant child never suck its Mother I Came home."
  8. [S139] Daniel W. Crofts, Cobb's Ordeal, "Saturday, 2 Oct 1852... My self and wife was from home and stayed at Mr Littles to night We left home at 1 o'clock to go to Gurley to here Rebecca funeral preached and was preach by Bro. Devania She was carried to Mr Littles to be buried and was put in the ground at Sun set She died in full assurance of Heaven."

Anna Eliza Little

F, b. 10 July 1838, d. 15 February 1920
FatherJesse G. Little1 b. 5 May 1794, d. 14 Jul 1862
     Anna Eliza Little was also known as Anne. She was born on 10 July 1838 at Southampton County, Virginia.2 She married Dr. John Willis Gurley, son of Henry Gurley and Rebecca B. Gurley, on 27 September 1855 at Southamption County, Virginia.3,4 In 1890, Anna Eliza Little lived at 442 Brambleton Ave, Norfolk, Virginia, she was listed as the widow of John M. Gurley.5 She died on 15 February 1920 at Charlottesville, Virginia, at age 81.6 She was buried after 15 February 1920 at Elmwood Cemetery, Norfolk, Norfolk City, Virginia.6,7
Anna Gurley marker. Elmwood Cemetery, Norfolk, VA (FindaGrave)


Dr. John Willis Gurley b. 10 Dec 1824, d. 19 Dec 1888


  1. [S139] Daniel W. Crofts, Cobb's Ordeal, p.332.
  2. [S25] "Gurley-Little Family Bible", "Anna E. Little was born in Southampton Co. 10 July 1838."
  3. [S16] Cobbs of the Tidewater: p.212, "Three years later on September 27, 1855 he married Rebecca's half-siter Anna Little, also sixteen when they married."
  4. [S25] "Gurley-Little Family Bible", "Jno. W. Gurley and Annie E. Little were married in Southampton 27 Sept. 1855."
  5. [S262] Norfolk City Directory, 1888.
  6. [S25] "Gurley-Little Family Bible", "Mrs. Anna Eliza Gurley wife of Dr. Jno W. Gurley daughter of Jesse and Susan Little of Southampton Co., departed this life in Charlottesville, VA February 15, 1920. Buried in Norfolk, VA.
  7. [S694] Cathy Osburn, FindaGrave Dr. John Willis Gurley (1824-1889) Memorial 5375522, Dr. John Willis Gurley 1824-1889, Elmwood Cemetery, Norfolk, Corfolk City, VA. Anna Little Gurley 1836-1920 memorial ID53755227.

Sallie Crowder Gurley1

F, b. 19 June 1858, d. 8 April 1921
FatherDr. John Willis Gurley b. 10 Dec 1824, d. 19 Dec 1888
MotherAnna Eliza Little b. 10 Jul 1838, d. 15 Feb 1920
     Sallie Crowder Gurley was also known as Sally. She was born on 19 June 1858 at Prince George County, Virginia.2,3 She died on 8 April 1921 at Charlottesville, Virginia, at age 62.4 She was buried after 8 April 1921 at Norfolk, Virginia.4


  1. [S25] "Gurley-Little Family Bible", p.3, Recorded her bith name as Sally. She is noted as the 2nd child of J.W. Gurley & Anna E. Gurley.
  2. [S30] Albert E. Gurley, AE Gurley, Gurley Family History 1897, p.248.
  3. [S25] "Gurley-Little Family Bible", "Sally Crowder Gurley 2nd child of J.W. Gurley and Anna E. Gurley was born in Price George County 19 June 1858."
  4. [S25] "Gurley-Little Family Bible", "Sallie Crowder Gurley daughter of Dr. Jno. W. and Anna E. Gurley, departed this life April 8, 1921 Charlottesville, VA. Buried in Norfolk, VA."

Georgianna Willis Gurley

F, b. 25 June 1859, d. 14 August 1914
FatherDr. John Willis Gurley b. 10 Dec 1824, d. 19 Dec 1888
MotherAnna Eliza Little b. 10 Jul 1838, d. 15 Feb 1920
     Georgianna Willis Gurley was also known as Georgie. She was born on 25 June 1859 at Prince George County, Virginia.1,2 She married Edward Marion Bell on 19 April 1882 at Norfolk, Virginia.2,3 Georgianna Willis Gurley was buried after 1914 at Elmwood Cemetery, Norfolk, Virginia.4 She died on 14 August 1914 at Blue Ridge Summit, Maryland, at age 55.5


Edward Marion Bell b. 18 Nov 1859


  1. [S25] "Gurley-Little Family Bible", "Georgianna Willis Gurley 3rd child of JW Gurley and Anne E. Gurley was born in Price George 25th June 1859."
  2. [S30] Albert E. Gurley, AE Gurley, Gurley Family History 1897, p.248.
  3. [S25] "Gurley-Little Family Bible", "E. M. Bell and Georgia W. Gurley were married in Norfolk April 19, 1882 by ______."
  4. [S769] Find a Grave, database and images ( : accessed 30 June 2020), memorial page for Georgie W Gurley Bell (1858–1914), Find a Grave Memorial no. 53371535, citing Elmwood Cemetery, Norfolk, Norfolk City, Virginia, USA ; Maintained by Cathy Osburn (contributor 46615728) ., online unknown url, Georgie W. Gurley Bell. B. 1958, Virginia, Dealth 1914 Norfolk, VA. Burial Elmwood Cemetery, Norfolk, Norfolk City, VA.
  5. [S25] "Gurley-Little Family Bible", "Georgie Willis Bell wife of E.M. Bell and daughter of J.W. and Anna Gurley departed this life Aug. 14, 1914 at Blue Ridge Summit, MD."

Henry Little Gurley

M, b. 14 October 1861, d. 1939
FatherDr. John Willis Gurley b. 10 Dec 1824, d. 19 Dec 1888
MotherAnna Eliza Little b. 10 Jul 1838, d. 15 Feb 1920
     Henry Little Gurley was born on 14 October 1861 at Prince George Co., Virginia.1,2 He died in 1939 at New York City, New York.3




  1. [S25] "Gurley-Little Family Bible", 'Henry Little Gurley 4th child of J.W. Gurley and Anne E. Gurley was born in Prince George 14 Oct. 1864."
  2. [S30] Albert E. Gurley, AE Gurley, Gurley Family History 1897, p.248.
  3. [S366] Letter, Henry F. Gurley to Ted M. Gurley, November 2000, Henry cites NY Dept. of Health Cerificate of Birth or Death.

Daniel Baugh Fenn Gurley

M, b. 16 August 1864
FatherDr. John Willis Gurley b. 10 Dec 1824, d. 19 Dec 1888
MotherAnna Eliza Little b. 10 Jul 1838, d. 15 Feb 1920
     Daniel Baugh Fenn Gurley was born on 16 August 1864 at Southampton County, Virginia.1,2


  1. [S25] "Gurley-Little Family Bible", "Daniel Baugh Fenn Gurley 6th child of J.W. Gurley and Anne E. Gurley was born in Southampton Co. 16 Aug. 1864."
  2. [S30] Albert E. Gurley, AE Gurley, Gurley Family History 1897, p.248.

Anna Eliza Gurley

F, b. 22 November 1869
FatherDr. John Willis Gurley b. 10 Dec 1824, d. 19 Dec 1888
MotherAnna Eliza Little b. 10 Jul 1838, d. 15 Feb 1920
     Anna Eliza Gurley was also known as Anne. She was born on 22 November 1869 at Peterson, Virginia.1 She married Charles Carroll on 25 December 1890 at Norfolk, Virginia; they were married by the groom's brother, Rev. John W. Carroll, of the Methodist Conference.2


Charles Carroll b. 26 Apr 1856


  1. [S25] "Gurley-Little Family Bible", "Anna Eliza Gurley child of same was born 22nd Nov. in Peterson AD 1869."
  2. [S30] Albert E. Gurley, AE Gurley, Gurley Family History 1897, p.249.

Carrie Gurley

F, b. 15 February 1871, d. 24 February 1886
FatherDr. John Willis Gurley b. 10 Dec 1824, d. 19 Dec 1888
MotherAnna Eliza Little b. 10 Jul 1838, d. 15 Feb 1920
     Carrie Gurley was born on 15 February 1871 at Prince George County, Virginia.1 She died on 24 February 1886 at Norfolk, Virginia, at age 15.2,3


  1. [S25] "Gurley-Little Family Bible", Carrie Gurley, 10th Child of Dr. Jno. W. and Anne E. Gurley depoarted this life Feb 24, 1886 in Norfolk City, VA.
  2. [S30] Albert E. Gurley, AE Gurley, Gurley Family History 1897, "Carrie Gurley, 10th child, Dr. Jno W. & Anna E. Gurley departed this life Feb. 24, 1886 in Norfolk City, VA."
  3. [S25] "Gurley-Little Family Bible", Carrie Gurley 10th child of Dr. Jno. W. & Anna E. Gurley departed this life Feb. 24th 1886 - in Norfolk City, V.

John W. Gurley

M, b. 14 May 1872, d. 15 May 1872
FatherDr. John Willis Gurley b. 10 Dec 1824, d. 19 Dec 1888
MotherAnna Eliza Little b. 10 Jul 1838, d. 15 Feb 1920
     John W. Gurley A.E. Gurley notes that child died on November 14, 1872. He was born on 14 May 1872. He died on 15 May 1872.1


  1. [S25] "Gurley-Little Family Bible", p.3.

Jesse G. Little

M, b. 5 May 1794, d. 14 July 1862
     Jesse G. Little was born on 5 May 1794 at Sussex, VA.1 He was wealthly; he owned seventy two slaves and had 1,129 improved acres that produced thirty-two bales of cotton in 1860 at Southampton County, Virginia.2 He died on 14 July 1862 at Southampton County, VA, at age 68.1

Family 1


Family 2



  1. [S25] "Gurley-Little Family Bible", p.3.
  2. [S689] Daniel W. Crofts, Old Southampton: Politics and Society in a Virginia County, 1834-1869, p.13 Jesse Little, (Dr. John W. Gurley's father-in-law), in 1860 owned 72 slaves, had 1,129 improved acres that produced 32 bales of cotton. He never served in county politics or in an office and rarely voted.
  3. [S139] Daniel W. Crofts, Cobb's Ordeal, p.332.
  4. [S139] Daniel W. Crofts, Cobb's Ordeal, p.331.

Anna Eliza Gurley

F, b. 14 January 1868, d. 3 March 1869
FatherDr. John Willis Gurley b. 10 Dec 1824, d. 19 Dec 1888
MotherAnna Eliza Little b. 10 Jul 1838, d. 15 Feb 1920
     Anna Eliza Gurley was born on 14 January 1868.1 She died on 3 March 1869 at age 1.1


  1. [S25] "Gurley-Little Family Bible", "Anna Eliza Gurley 8th Child of John W. and Anna E. Gurley was born 14 Jan. 1863 and departed this life 3 March 1869."

Edward Marion Bell1

M, b. 18 November 1859
     Edward Marion Bell was born on 18 November 1859 at Norfolk, Virginia.1 He married Georgianna Willis Gurley, daughter of Dr. John Willis Gurley and Anna Eliza Little, on 19 April 1882 at Norfolk, Virginia.1,2 Edward Marion Bell was in the wholesale and retail meat business in 1897 at Norfolk, Virginia.3


Georgianna Willis Gurley b. 25 Jun 1859, d. 14 Aug 1914


  1. [S30] Albert E. Gurley, AE Gurley, Gurley Family History 1897, p.248.
  2. [S25] "Gurley-Little Family Bible", "E. M. Bell and Georgia W. Gurley were married in Norfolk April 19, 1882 by ______."
  3. [S30] Albert E. Gurley, AE Gurley, Gurley Family History 1897, p. 249.

Mary Martha Gurley1

F, b. 25 November 1858, d. 30 November 1909
FatherHenry Burch Gurley b. 21 Mar 1819, d. 8 Oct 1905
MotherRebecca Mills b. 28 Mar 1815, d. 26 Sep 1880
     Mary Martha Gurley was born on 25 November 1858. She died on 30 November 1909 at age 51.


  1. [S66] Notes on William Gurley, One of the First Settlers of Johnston Co., NC and Some of His Descendants;, p.3.

Susan Caroline Gurley

F, b. 10 December 1843, d. 5 September 1926
FatherHenry Burch Gurley b. 21 Mar 1819, d. 8 Oct 1905
MotherRebecca Mills b. 28 Mar 1815, d. 26 Sep 1880
     Susan Caroline Gurley was born on 10 December 1843.1,2 She died on 5 September 1926 at age 82.1




  1. [S66] Notes on William Gurley, One of the First Settlers of Johnston Co., NC and Some of His Descendants;, p.3 "b. 12-10-1843 & d. 9-5-1925 who m. Pinkney Davis."
  2. [S154] July 2, 1860 Transcription, Columbia, Missouri, p.471 Household 295 Susan was a 16 year old girl.
  3. [S178] Gurley Family Research by Justus R. Moll, Typewritten Notes Western Historical Documents Collection, Paper Titled "Gaddistown, Union Co., Georgia Branch Revision 1. "Johnn H. Davis of Toccoa, Ga., son of Susan Carolina Gurley Davis (dau. of Henry Burch Gurley).

George Washington Gurley

M, b. 17 April 1854, d. 17 May 1929
FatherHenry Burch Gurley b. 21 Mar 1819, d. 8 Oct 1905
MotherRebecca Mills b. 28 Mar 1815, d. 26 Sep 1880
     George Washington Gurley was born on 17 April 1854.1 He died on 17 May 1929 at age 75.2




  1. [S66] Notes on William Gurley, One of the First Settlers of Johnston Co., NC and Some of His Descendants;, p.3.
  2. [S66] Notes on William Gurley, One of the First Settlers of Johnston Co., NC and Some of His Descendants;, p.3 Date not sourced.
  3. [S178] Gurley Family Research by Justus R. Moll, Typewritten Notes Western Historical Documents Collection, Letter from M.J. Gurley to Justus Moll dated September 28, 1930. "I am a son of George W. Gurley, a son of Henry B. Gurley."
  4. [S178] Gurley Family Research by Justus R. Moll, Typewritten Notes Western Historical Documents Collection, Letter from M.J. Gurley to Justus Moll dated September 28, 1930. "George, my father has five sons: M.J. Gurley, James M. Gurley, Kent, Ohio..."

Henry Thomas Gurley

M, b. 9 January 1852, d. 19 July 1919
FatherHenry Burch Gurley b. 21 Mar 1819, d. 8 Oct 1905
MotherRebecca Mills b. 28 Mar 1815, d. 26 Sep 1880
     Henry Thomas Gurley was born on 9 January 1852 at Georgia.1,2 He died on 19 July 1919 at age 67.3


  1. [S66] Notes on William Gurley, One of the First Settlers of Johnston Co., NC and Some of His Descendants;, p.3 date not sourced.
  2. [S154] July 2, 1860 Transcription, Columbia, Missouri, p.471 Household 295 lists Thomas as 8 years old.
  3. [S66] Notes on William Gurley, One of the First Settlers of Johnston Co., NC and Some of His Descendants;, p.3 No source listed.

James Madison Gurley

M, b. 25 October 1846, d. 13 July 1914
FatherHenry Burch Gurley b. 21 Mar 1819, d. 8 Oct 1905
MotherRebecca Mills b. 28 Mar 1815, d. 26 Sep 1880
     James Madison Gurley was born on 25 October 1846.1,2 He died on 13 July 1914 at age 67.3


  1. [S154] July 2, 1860 Transcription, Columbia, Missouri, p.471 Household 295. Census indicated that he was born in 1846.
  2. [S66] Notes on William Gurley, One of the First Settlers of Johnston Co., NC and Some of His Descendants;, p. 3 No source listed.
  3. [S66] Notes on William Gurley, One of the First Settlers of Johnston Co., NC and Some of His Descendants;, p. 3 No source listed.

Nancy Louisa Gurley

F, b. 25 May 1840, d. 14 February 1912
FatherHenry Burch Gurley b. 21 Mar 1819, d. 8 Oct 1905
MotherRebecca Mills b. 28 Mar 1815, d. 26 Sep 1880
     Nancy Louisa Gurley was born on 25 May 1840 at Union County, Georgia.1 She married George Washington Cavendar after 1865; married after the death of his first wife, Jane Gurley, Nancy's sister.1,2 Nancy Louisa Gurley died on 14 February 1912 at age 71.1,3 She was buried after 14 February 1912 at Mount Pleasant Church Cemetery #2, Gaddistown, Union County, Georgia.3


George Washington Cavendar b. 30 Dec 1829


  1. [S66] Notes on William Gurley, One of the First Settlers of Johnston Co., NC and Some of His Descendants;, p.3 No source listed.
  2. [S178] Gurley Family Research by Justus R. Moll, Typewritten Notes Western Historical Documents Collection, An article titled Mountain Breezes by Joseph Robinson, clippings from Macon GA newspaper October 1926. Moll's comments at the end.
  3. [S766] Unknown author, "Find a Grave, database and images ( : accessed 29 June 2020), memorial page for Nancy Louise Gurley Cavender (25 May 1840–14 Feb 1912), Find a Grave Memorial no. 11300441, citing Mount Pleasant Church Cemetery #2, Gaddistown, Union County, Georgia, USA ; Maintained by Bill Corn (contributor 47603612) .," e-mail to unknown recipient, Birth May 25, 1840, Gaddistown, Union County, GA. Death Feb 14, 1912, Gaddistown, Union County, GA. Burial Mount Pleasant Church Cemetery #2, Gaddistown, Union County, GA.

William Lafayette Gurley

M, b. 27 December 1841, d. 14 June 1862
FatherHenry Burch Gurley b. 21 Mar 1819, d. 8 Oct 1905
MotherRebecca Mills b. 28 Mar 1815, d. 26 Sep 1880
     William Lafayette Gurley was born on 27 December 1841.1 He died on 14 June 1862 at age 20.1


  1. [S66] Notes on William Gurley, One of the First Settlers of Johnston Co., NC and Some of His Descendants;, p.3.

Jane Gurley

F, b. 3 June 1838, d. 1865
FatherHenry Burch Gurley b. 21 Mar 1819, d. 8 Oct 1905
MotherRebecca Mills b. 28 Mar 1815, d. 26 Sep 1880
     Jane Gurley was born on 3 June 1838 at Gaddiston, Union County, Georgia.1,2 She married George Washington Cavendar in 1857.3,4 Jane Gurley died in 1865.1,5


George Washington Cavendar b. 30 Dec 1829


  1. [S66] Notes on William Gurley, One of the First Settlers of Johnston Co., NC and Some of His Descendants;, p.3.
  2. [S765] Find a Grave, database and images ( : accessed 29 June 2020), memorial page for Jane Gurley Cavender (1838–1865), Find a Grave Memorial no. 78797895, citing Mount Pleasant Church Cemetery #2, Gaddistown, Union County, Georgia, USA ; Maintained by Bill Corn (contributor 47603612) ., online unknown url, Birth 1838, Gaddistown, Union County, GA. Death 1865, Gaddistown, Union County, GA.
  3. [S178] Gurley Family Research by Justus R. Moll, Typewritten Notes Western Historical Documents Collection, An article titled Mountain Breezes by Joseph Robinson, clippings from Macon GA newspaper October 1926.
  4. [S764] Find a Grave, database and images ( : accessed 29 June 2020), memorial page for George Washington “GW” Cavender (30 Dec 1829–6 Jun 1897), Find a Grave Memorial no. 78797577, citing Mount Pleasant Church Cemetery #2, Gaddistown, Union County, Georgia, USA ; Maintained by Bill Corn (contributor 47603612) ., online unknown url, Birth December 30, 1829. Death June 6, 1897 Gaddistown, Union County, GA.Burial Mount Pleasant Church Cemetery #2, Gaddistown, Union County, GA.
  5. [S765] Find a Grave, database and images ( : accessed 29 June 2020), memorial page for Jane Gurley Cavender (1838–1865), Find a Grave Memorial no. 78797895, citing Mount Pleasant Church Cemetery #2, Gaddistown, Union County, Georgia, USA ; Maintained by Bill Corn (contributor 47603612) ., online unknown url, Birth 1838, Gaddistown, Union County, GA. Death 1865, Gaddistown, Union County, GA. Death 1865, Gaddistown, Union County, GA.