William Gurley1,2

M, b. before 1719, d. before October 1760
     William Gurley was associated; George Hartness Research connects this William Gurley to William Gurley in Southampton County. Hartness states William Gurley arrived Isle of Wight Co, VA with Brothers: John, George, & Nicholas.3 He Southampton Records

August 5, 1751
Joseph Cobb Jr. sold to Wm. Hatfield St. of Southampton, 150 acres at corner of Wm. Gurley's land patented Nov. 23, 1750. Book 1-241. ( Southside Virginia Familes p.138.) This transaction was witnessed by George Gurley (The Cobbs of Tidewater, p.54.)4 William Gurley was also known as William Gurley. He was born before 1719; he was of legal age to make land transactions in 1739.5 He was involved in a land transfer from John Underwood to William for 1,500 pounds of pork. This was a lease and release transaction that included 100 acres on 8 October 1739 at Isle of Wight County, Virginia.6 He was involved in a land transfer on 8 October 1739 at Isle of Wight, Virginia.7 He married Mary (?) before 1742; it is proved by a Isle of Wight, Virginia deed dated Feb. 26, 1742 listing "William Gurley and wife Mary Gurley."8 William Gurley married Mary (?) before 1742 at Isle of Wight, Virginia.9,10,11,12 William Gurley and Mary (?) were involved in a land transfer on 26 February 1742 at Isle of Wight, Virginia.12 William Gurley and Mary (?) were involved in a land transfer to Thomas Jarrell of 100 acres, this may have been the 100 acres he received in 1739 as part of a "lease and release" transaction. The land was sold for £19 on 26 February 1742 at Isle of Wight, Virginia.8,13 William Gurley registered a land entry with county officals for 200 acres adjacent to a tract of land that he had surveyed earlier on 14 November 1744 at on the north side of Mackison Swamp, Craven County, North Carolina, with changes in county lines, this property was originally in Craven County, which became Johnston County, in 1759 in Dobbs County and today in Wayne County.14,15 He wasgranted land when his warrant for 200 acres in Craven County was read and approved at a council meeting in Newbern before the Govenor, Gabriel Johnston on 19 November 1744.16 He registered a land entry with county officals for 400 acres adjacent to his existing property on 20 November 1746 at north side of the Neuse River and on the north side of Mockison Swamp, Johnston County, North Carolina, due to changes in county lines this property was in Dobbs County when it split off from Johnston County in 1759 and today in Wayne County.17 He wasgranted land when he petitioned the Executive Council in Wilmington. The grant consisted of 400 acres on 22 November 1746 at Johnston County, North Carolina.18 He was a land owner who lived adjactent to Joseph Cobb when Cobb bought 340 acres on the in November 1750 at South side of the Nottoway River by the Side of Dick's Swamp, Isle of Wight, Virginia.19 He registered a land entry with county officals for purchased land from William Gurley circa 1751 at Dobbs County, North Carolia.20 He wasa land owner at the time when Joseph Cobb sold some property to William Hatfield Sr. that was adjacent to William Gurley on on 5 August 1751 at Southampton County, Virginia.21 He wasgranted land after he petitioned the Executive Council for 400 Acres in Dobbs County. on 7 April 1752 at Dobbs County, North Carolina.22 He registered a land entry with county officals for 400 acres on the North side of the Neuse River and the North side of Moccason Swamp the property bordered his existing land on 27 September 1755 at Johnston County, North Carolina.23 He wasgranted land after he petitioned the Executive Council for 380 Acres in Dobbs County, North Carolina. on 15 March 1756 at Dobbs County, North Carolina.24,25 He The first mention of William Gurley in the Johnston Co. Court Minute book (JCCM v.1) was at the time of his death.

34. "On the motion of Mr. Ballard on behalf of the Widow of Wm. Gurley Deced. praying letters of Admns. of the Estate of her said late husband. The same is granted and she accordingly took the Oath of an Admx. and tenders Jon. Ballard and Joseph GURLEY as her securities who are accepted of, and it is further ordered that the said admx. be at liverty to sell such part of the said intestates Estate as is perishable and as she may judge convenient."

A couple of months later an inventory of his estate is recorded in Oct., 1760
(Johnston Ct. Minues p)

40. "Mary Gurley Admrx. of ye estate of Willm. Gurley dec'd delivered into court an inventory of sd. estate on oath."

Bradley noted in his research that there was no proof that William was married to Mary. These two records prove that Mary was indeed the wife of William. in 1760. He died before October 1760 at Johnston County, North Carolina.26 He and Nathan Gurley were involved in a land transfer reference to a land patent granted to William Gurley dated 20 April 1745 on 25 August 1764 at Johnston County, North Carolina.27


Mary (?) b. b 1722, d. bt 7 May 1792 - 2 Nov 1792


  1. [S96] Blanche Adams Chapman, Wills and Administrations of Southampton County, Virginia 1749-1800 Book 1, p.41, "GURLEY, Nicholas of the Parish of Nottoway. Leg.- Son Benjamin; son Nicholas; son William; wife Ann Gurley. Exs., friends George Gurley and Joseph Cobb.
    d. April 23, 1761 r. March 11, 1762.
    Wot/ George Gurley Sr., Mary Gurley Jr., Thomas Edwards p. 439."
  2. [S92] Will of Nicholas Gurley 1761 Southapton County Will Book 1, p.439: "I give and bequeath to my son William ..."
  3. [S449] Gurley Family and George Hartness Research, Notes and Letters, 2001 unknown repository, cites research notes by George B. Hartness "By Ship, Wagon, and Foot to York Co., S.C." 1966.
  4. [S16] Cobbs of the Tidewater.
  5. [S53] Certificate, unknown spouses' names marriage, circa 1726.
  6. [S137] TLC Genealogy, Isle of Wight Deeds DB5, Oct. 8-9, 1739 p.400 DB5
    Lease and Release. From John Underwood of IW to William Gurley of IW for divers good causes and for 1,500 pounds of pork, about 100 acres, being part of a patent of 375 acres dated June 11, 1731 in IW, bounded by the line betwixt me and John Johnson, Capt. Jarrell. Signed - John (his mark) Underwood, Elizabeth (her mark) Underwood, Wit. Richard Blow Jr., Samson Underwood. Recorded Feb. 28, 1736. Elizabeth, wife of said Underwood, relinquished her right of dower to the lands conveyed. (IW Deeds 1736-1741 p.59).
  7. [S380] Isle of Wight, Virginia Deed Book 5: Oct. 8-9, 1739 p.400 DB5
    Lease and Release. From John Underwood of IW to William Gurley of IW for divers good causes and for 1,500 pounds of pork, about 100 acres, being part of a patent of 375 acres dated June 11, 1731 in IW, bounded by the line betwixt me and John Johnson, Capt. Jarrell. Signed – John (his mark) Underwood, Elizabeth (her mark) Underwood, Wit. Richard Blow Jr., Samson Underwood. Recorded Feb. 28, 1736. Elizabeth, wife of said Underwood, relinquished her right of dower to the lands conveyed. (IW Deeds 1736-1741 p.59).
  8. [S134] William Lindsay Hopkins, Isle of Wight Deeds 1720-36 and 1741-49, Feb. 26, 1742 William Gurley and wife Mary Gurley to Thomas Jarrell…100 acres adjoining Thomas Jarrell, decd…Signed William Gurley and Mary Gurley. (IW Deeds 1720-1732 & 1741-1749 p.62).
  9. [S8] A.E. Gurley Notes;, p.5 "William Gurley of Johnston and Anson Counties, N.C. married Mary ________ about 1746".
  10. [S45] Weynette Parks Haun, JoCo Ct. Minutes v.1 1759-1766, p.16 & p.19, On the motion of Mr. BALLARD on Behalf of the Widow of Wm. GURLEY deced. Praying Letters of Admns. Of the Estate of her aid late Husband. The same is granted & she accordingly took the Oath of an Admx. & tenders Jon. BALLARD & Joseph GURLEY as her securities who are accepted of, & it is further ordered that the said Admx. Be at liverty to sell such part of the said intestates Estate as is perishable & she may judge Convenient. (p.16 JCCM v.1)

    40 October 1760, 3rd Tuesday
    Mary GURLEY Admrx. Of ye Estate of Willm. GURLEY dec'd. Delivered into Court an Inventory of sd. Estate on Oath. (p.19 JCCM v.1).
  11. [S66] Notes on William Gurley, One of the First Settlers of Johnston Co., NC and Some of His Descendants;, Bradley said, "Although there is no documentary proof, due probably to fact that some of the Johnston County records are missing, it has been taken for granted by several genealogists who have studied Johnston County Gurley records, that she was the widow of a William Gurley whose name figures in a number of Johnston County deeds. No record has been found of their mar-
    riage, or of his death."
  12. [S381] Isle of Wight, Virginia Deed Book 6: Feb. 26, 1742 p.187 – 189 of Deed Book (On file)
    William Gurley and wife Mary Gurley to Thomas Jarrell…100 acres adjoining Thomas Jarrell, decd, John Underwood’s land and John Johnson’s property 19£ …Signed by the marks of William Gurley (William’s mark looked like an upside down W) and Mary Gurley (her mark was an X).
    (IW Deeds 1720-1732 & 1741-1749 p.62).
  13. [S381] Isle of Wight, Virginia Deed Book 6: p.187 Sell of land from William Gurley to Thomas Jarrell Feb. 26, 1742.
  14. [S286] William L. Murphy, Dobbs County, North Carolina Entries and Warrants 1741-1757, p.5 No.70 "Novr. 14th 1744 William Gurley 200 acres Craven on ye North Side of Mackison Joyning his first Survey [Wayne].
  15. [S484] Dr. A. B. Pruitt, Colonial Land Entries in North Carolina Volume 1 (1735-1752), 1090 Not dated William Gurley enters 200 ac. in Craven Co. on N. side of Mackison Cr.; border: his first survey; rites in "the" office; paid.
  16. [S130] William L. Saunders, Colonial Records of NC v.4 1734-1752, p.703 At a council held at Newbern 19 Nov. 1744. Read petitions for Warrants ... William Gurlee 200 Craven, .... Granted.
  17. [S286] William L. Murphy, Dobbs County, North Carolina Entries and Warrants 1741-1757, p.12 No.168 "Wm. Gourly 400 acres Johnston on the North Side of Neuse & on the No Side of Mockison Swamp begining at said Gourlys Lines and running up the swamp for the complemt. [Wayne]
  18. [S131] Robert J. Cain, Records of the Executive Council v.8 1735-1754, p.209 "At a Council held at Wilmington the 22d day of Novr. 1746.... Read the following Petitions for Warrants. Wm. Gourly 400 Johnst."
  19. [S238] Dennis Ray Hudgins, Cavaliers and Pioneers v.6, p.21 "Joseph Coob, 340 acres Isle of Wight Co. on the S Side of Nottoway Riv. by the Side of Dick's Sw; adj. William Gurley, William West, Roger Woodward & sd Joseph Cobb's old Lines; Nov 1750, p.293. £1.S15.

  20. [S856] NC Grantor/Grantee Index of Johnston, Dobbs, and Lenoir Counties, online http://files.usgwarchives.net/nc/lenoir/deeds/johnco2.txt
  21. [S16] Cobbs of the Tidewater: August 5, 1751 Joseph Cobb Jr. sold to Wm. Hatfield Sr. of Southampton, 150 acres at corner of Wm. Gurley's land patented Nov. 23, 1750. Book 1-241. (Southside Virginia Familes p.138.) This transaction was witnessed by George Gurley (The Cobbs of Tidewater, p.54).
  22. [S131] Robert J. Cain, Records of the Executive Council v.8 1735-1754, p.285 "At a Council held at Bath Town the 7th day of April 1752....Read the following Petitions for Warrants for Land videlicet.... William Gurly 400 Do."
  23. [S483] Dr. A.B. Pruitt, Colonial Land Entries in North Carolina Volume 2 (1753-1756), 3297 September 27, 1755 William Gurley enters 400 ac in Johnton County on N side of Neuse R and N side of Moccason Swampt; border said Gurley's line; paid J A 5/4; warrant dated Sept. 27 1755; C. Yound paid J A 2/8 per Sur Genl.
  24. [S132] Robert J. Cain, Colonial Records of North Carolina v.IX, 1755-1775, p.17 "At a Council held at Newbern the 15th March 1756.... Read and Granted the following Patants for Land. William Gurley 380 Dobbs."
  25. [S39] Weynette Parks Haun, Johnston County N.C. Abstracts: Deed Books A-1, B-1, Transcript-1, D, D-1 1759 - 1771 v.1, Item 580 D-1:62 16 Jan 1764 William Gurley to Alexander POOL, 100 Acres in JoCo on NS Neuse River and on NS Mochanson Sw., it being part of a patent granted to Wm. Gurley Sr. dated 15 Mar 1756. Wit: Nathaniel Gurley and John Austian.
  26. [S45] Weynette Parks Haun, JoCo Ct. Minutes v.1 1759-1766, p.16 Item 34 "...the widow of Wm. Gurley deced. praying Letters of Admns. of the Estate of her said late Husband. The same is granted and she accordingly took the Oath of an Admx.& tenders Jon. Ballard & Joseph GURLEY as her securities who are accepted of, & it further ordered that the said Admx. be at liberty to sell such part of the said intestates Estate as is perishable & as she may judge Convenient"

    p.19 item 40 A roll call is listed of the Grand Jury sworn in the Third Tuesday in Oct. 1760. This dates William Gurley's Death prior to Oct., 1760.

    Also in item 40. "Mary GURLEY Admrx of ye Estate of Willm. GURLEY dec'd. Delivered into Court an Inventory of sd. Estate on Oath."
  27. [S131] Robert J. Cain, Records of the Executive Council v.8 1735-1754, o. 112 D-1:197: 25 Aug 1764 John Ballard, Dobbs Co to Nathan Gurley, Jo Co 15£ proc, 100A in JoCo on NS Neuse River and on the NS of Mocoson sw beg at a white oak...being part of a patent granted to William Gurley dated 20 April 1745. WIT: Richard Sessons, Joseph Sessons.

Lydia Gurley1

F, b. after 1741
FatherNicholas Gurley1 b. b 1709, d. bt 23 Apr 1761 - 11 Mar 1762
MotherAnn (?)1 b. c 1716, d. a 1772
     Lydia Gurley was born after 1741.1 She was orphaned after the death of her father, her guardian became George Gurley Jr. on 8 April 1762 at Southampton County, Virginia.2 As of 1763, Lydia Gurley was also known as Lidia.3 She was taken care of by George Gurley Junior this account notes father, Nicholas Gurley and the balance due to Lidia. Also noted is his guardian, George Gurley, Junior in September 1763 at Southampton County, Virginia.4 Lydia Gurley married Nathan Vasser circa 1765; based on age.5 Lydia Gurley was a witness when William Gurley and George Gurley Junior were an inventory took place of the property inherited by William, Nicholas, Lydia, and Mourning from the estate of their father Nicholas, it included a bible, a testament, rent on the plantation for 5 years and a balance due, all acknowledged by George Gurley, Junior Guardian in August 1768 at Southampton County, Virginia.6 Lydia Gurley was a witness when Nicholas Gurley and George Gurley Junior were an accounting from the estate of Nicholas Gurley was presented in Court on behalf of orphans: Nicholas, Mourning, Lydia, and William. Overseen by George Gurley, Juniot. Guardian. on 13 September 1770 at Southampton County, Virginia.7 Lydia Gurley was a witness when Nicholas Gurley was (an unknown value) on 8 August 1771 at Southampton County, Virginia.8 Lydia Gurley recieved 100 Acres that originally belonged to her father from her mother, Ann (?) and her brother, Nicholas Gurley on 9 September 1773 at Southampton County, Virginia; with Lydia (Gurley) Vasser.5 Lydia Gurley left a will that was executed on 10 October 1773 at St. Luke Parish, Southampton County, Virginia.9


Nathan Vasser b. c 1741, d. b 12 Apr 1770


  1. [S231] Virginia Pop Livingston, "Southampton County, Virginia Guardian Bonds", p. 267 "Gurley, William, Nicholas, Lydia and Mourning, orphans of Nicholas Gurley. George Gurley Jr. guardian, bond 8 April 1762, £500; Joseph Newsum security."
  2. [S231] Virginia Pop Livingston, "Southampton County, Virginia Guardian Bonds", p.267 "Gurley, William, Nicholas, Lydia and Mourning, oprhans of Nicholas Gurley. George Gurley Jr. guardian, bond 8 April 1762, £500; Joseph Newson, Security."
  3. [S602] Unknown subject unknown record type, by unknown photographer, p.89 and 90 Lidia Gurley Orphan of Nicholas Gurley, decd. Accounting record showing balance due to orphan. A balance due was noted an approved by the Court and George Gurley, Jun, Guardian. Sept. 1763.
  4. [S602] Unknown subject unknown record type, by unknown photographer, p.89 and 90 Lidia Gurley Orphan of Nicholas Gurley, decd.
    Accounting record showing balance due to orphan.
    A balance due was noted an approved by the Court and George Gurley, Jun, Guardian.
    Sept. 1763.
  5. [S449] Gurley Family and George Hartness Research, Notes and Letters, 2001 unknown repository, p.10 Meynard cites Hartness "Nicholas Gurley and Anne Gurley of Halifax Co, NC deed to Lydia (Gurley) Vasser 100 acres in Southampton Co., VA originally patented by Nicholas Gurley Feb. 28, 1733. Witness William Thomas, Henry Briggs, Benjamin Stewart. Source: Southampton Deed Book 5, p20-21.
  6. [S602] Unknown subject unknown record type, by unknown photographer, August 1768. p.170 An accounting of the estate of Nicholas Gurley and what is due to orphans: William, Nicholas, Mourning, and Lydia Gurley. Acknowledge by George Gurley, Jun. Guardian.
  7. [S602] Unknown subject unknown record type, by unknown photographer, p.208 September 13, 1770. An accounting of the estate of Nicholas Gurley was presented in Court on behalf of orphans: Nicholas, William, Lydia and Mourning. Approved by guardian - George Gurley, Junior.
  8. [S602] Unknown subject unknown record type, by unknown photographer, p.216 August 8, 1771. An accounting of the estate of Nicholas Gurley was presented in Court on behalf of orphans: Nicholas Gurley, Lydia and Mourning. No mention of Guardian George Gurley, Jun.
  9. [S95] Blanche Adams Chapman, Southampton Co., VA Wills 1749-1800, p.67 Lydia Vasser. Parish of St. Luke. Leg - son Jesse land purchased of Nicholas Gurley, when of age, daughter Anne; daughter Mary; daughter Elizabeth; daughter Margaret. Ex. son-in-law Robert Carr. d.Oct 10, 1773; recorder May 9, 1776. Wit. George Gurley, Abraham Mitchell, William Edwards. P. 150.

Mourning Gurley1

F, b. after 1741
FatherNicholas Gurley1 b. b 1709, d. bt 23 Apr 1761 - 11 Mar 1762
MotherAnn (?)1 b. c 1716, d. a 1772
     Mourning Gurley was born after 1741.1 She was was orphaned after the death of her father, George Gurley Jr. became her guardian on 8 April 1762 at Southampton County, Virginia.2 She was taken care of by George Gurley Junior this account notes father, Nicholas Gurley and the balance due to Mourning. Also noted is his guardian, George Gurley, Junior in September 1763 at Southampton County, Virginia.3 Mourning Gurley was a witness when William Gurley and George Gurley Junior were an inventory took place of the property inherited by William, Nicholas, Lydia, and Mourning from the estate of their father Nicholas, it included a bible, a testament, rent on the plantation for 5 years and a balance due, all acknowledged by George Gurley, Junior Guardian in August 1768 at Southampton County, Virginia.4 Mourning Gurley was a witness when Nicholas Gurley and George Gurley Junior were an accounting from the estate of Nicholas Gurley was presented in Court on behalf of orphans: Nicholas, Mourning, Lydia, and William. Overseen by George Gurley, Juniot. Guardian. on 13 September 1770 at Southampton County, Virginia.5 Mourning Gurley was a witness when Nicholas Gurley was (an unknown value) on 8 August 1771 at Southampton County, Virginia.6


  1. [S231] Virginia Pop Livingston, "Southampton County, Virginia Guardian Bonds", p. 267 "Gurley, William, Nicholas, Lydia and Mourning, orphans of Nicholas Gurley. George Gurley Jr. guardian, bond 8 April 1762, £500; Joseph Newsum security."
  2. [S231] Virginia Pop Livingston, "Southampton County, Virginia Guardian Bonds", p.267 "Gurley, William, Nicholas, Lydia and Mourning, oprhans of Nicholas Gurley. George Gurley Jr. guardian, bond 8 April 1762, £500; Joseph Newson, Security."
  3. [S602] Unknown subject unknown record type, by unknown photographer, p.89 and 90 Mourning Gurley Orphan of Nicholas Gurley, decd.
    Accounting record showing balance due to orphan.
    A balance due was noted an approved by the Court and George Gurley, Jun, Guardian.
    Sept. 1763.
  4. [S602] Unknown subject unknown record type, by unknown photographer, August 1768. p.170 An accounting of the estate of Nicholas Gurley and what is due to orphans: William, Nicholas, Mourning, and Lydia Gurley. Acknowledge by George Gurley, Jun. Guardian.
  5. [S602] Unknown subject unknown record type, by unknown photographer, p.208 September 13, 1770. An accounting of the estate of Nicholas Gurley was presented in Court on behalf of orphans: Nicholas, William, Lydia and Mourning. Approved by guardian - George Gurley, Junior.
  6. [S602] Unknown subject unknown record type, by unknown photographer, p.216 August 8, 1771. An accounting of the estate of Nicholas Gurley was presented in Court on behalf of orphans: Nicholas Gurley, Lydia and Mourning. No mention of Guardian George Gurley, Jun.

Lucy (?)1

F, b. 1813
     Lucy (?) was born in 1813 at Virginia.1 She married Bolling Gurley before 1830.2 Lucy (?) is head of household on the census of 13 September 1850 at St. Lukes Parish, Southampton County, Virginia.. Enumerated with were an unknown person.3


Bolling Gurley b. 1810


  1. [S252] US Census 1850 Virginia;, p. 259 Boling Gurley household number 308. Listed age as 37 and place of birth as Virginia.
  2. [S252] US Census 1850 Virginia;, p. 259 Boling Gurley household number 308. Listed age as 37 and place of birth as Virginia. Oldest daughter was listed as 19 years old.
  3. [S252] US Census 1850 Virginia;, p.278 Lucy Gurley 37, Female, Mulatto appears to have been recorded twice.
  4. [S252] US Census 1850 Virginia;, p. 259 Boling Gurley household number 308. Listed Mary as a 19 year old black female who was born in Virginia.
  5. [S252] US Census 1850 Virginia;, p. 259 Boling Gurley household number 308. Listed Nathan Gurley as a 15 year old black male who was born in Virginia.
  6. [S252] US Census 1850 Virginia;, p. 259 Boling Gurley household number 308. Listed what appears to be a Marilla Gurley as a 10 year old black female who was born in Virginia.
  7. [S252] US Census 1850 Virginia;, p. 259 Boling Gurley household number 308. Listed what appears to be a Lester Gurley as a 10 year old black female who was born in Virginia.
  8. [S252] US Census 1850 Virginia;, p. 259 Boling Gurley household number 308. Listed Margaret Gurley as a 13 year old black female who was born in Virginia.
  9. [S252] US Census 1850 Virginia;, p. 259 Boling Gurley household number 308. Listed what appears to be Ivin Gurley as a 4/12 year old black male who was born in Virginia.

Mary Gurley1

F, b. 1831
FatherBolling Gurley1 b. 1810
MotherLucy (?)1 b. 1813
     Mary Gurley was born in 1831 at Virginia.1


  1. [S252] US Census 1850 Virginia;, p. 259 Boling Gurley household number 308. Listed Mary as a 19 year old black female who was born in Virginia.

Nathan Gurley1

M, b. 1835
FatherBolling Gurley1 b. 1810
MotherLucy (?)1 b. 1813
     Nathan Gurley was born in 1835 at Virginia.1


  1. [S252] US Census 1850 Virginia;, p. 259 Boling Gurley household number 308. Listed Nathan Gurley as a 15 year old black male who was born in Virginia.

Margaret Gurley1

F, b. 1847
FatherBolling Gurley1 b. 1810
MotherLucy (?)1 b. 1813
     Margaret Gurley was born in 1847 at Virginia.1


  1. [S252] US Census 1850 Virginia;, p. 259 Boling Gurley household number 308. Listed Margaret Gurley as a 13 year old black female who was born in Virginia.

Marilla Gurley1

F, b. 1840
FatherBolling Gurley1 b. 1810
MotherLucy (?)1 b. 1813
     Marilla Gurley was born in 1840 at Virginia.1


  1. [S252] US Census 1850 Virginia;, p. 259 Boling Gurley household number 308. Listed what appears to be a Marilla Gurley as a 10 year old black female who was born in Virginia.

Lestor Gurley1

M, b. 1843
FatherBolling Gurley1 b. 1810
MotherLucy (?)1 b. 1813
     Lestor Gurley was born in 1843 at Virginia.1


  1. [S252] US Census 1850 Virginia;, p. 259 Boling Gurley household number 308. Listed what appears to be a Lester Gurley as a 10 year old black female who was born in Virginia.

Ivin Gurley1,2

M, b. April 1850
FatherBolling Gurley2 b. 1810
MotherLucy (?)3 b. 1813
     Ivin Gurley was born in April 1850 at Virginia.2


  1. [S938] Southampton, VA Federal Census File 2 of 9, online http://us-census.org/pub/usgenweb/census/va/southampton/…
  2. [S252] US Census 1850 Virginia;, p. 259 Boling Gurley household number 308. Listed what appears to be a Fain Gurley as a 4/12 year old black male who was born in Virginia.
  3. [S252] US Census 1850 Virginia;, p. 259 Boling Gurley household number 308. Listed what appears to be Ivin Gurley as a 4/12 year old black male who was born in Virginia.

Sarah J. Gurley1

F, b. 1860
Step-fatherWilliam Henry Washington Gurley1 b. 25 Nov 1844, d. 19 Nov 1915
     Sarah J. Gurley was born in 1860 at Georgia.1


  1. [S255] One Barton Family from South Carolina, online www.eatel.net/~barton, source used was 1880 Union Co. GA Census and 1900 Union Co. Census p.307.

James D. Gurley1

M, b. 1867
FatherWilliam Henry Washington Gurley1 b. 25 Nov 1844, d. 19 Nov 1915
     James D. Gurley was born in 1867.1 He married Callie (?) in 1891.1


Callie (?) b. 1875


  1. [S255] One Barton Family from South Carolina, online www.eatel.net/~barton.

Mary E. Gurley1

F, b. 28 October 1868, d. 7 January 1939
FatherWilliam Henry Washington Gurley1 b. 25 Nov 1844, d. 19 Nov 1915
     Mary E. Gurley was born on 28 October 1868 at Gaddistown, Union County, Georgia.1,2 She died on 7 January 1939 at Madison, Morgan County, Georgia, at age 70.2 She was buried after 7 January 1939 at Madison Historic Cemeteries, Madison, Morgan County, Georgia.2


  1. [S255] One Barton Family from South Carolina, online www.eatel.net/~barton.
  2. [S757] Find a Grave, database and images (https://www.findagrave.com : accessed 28 June 2020), memorial page for Mary Gurley (28 Oct 1868–7 Jan 1939), Find a Grave Memorial no. 120822945, citing Madison Historic Cemeteries, Madison, Morgan County, Georgia, USA ; Maintained by Joe Stoner (contributor 47793749) ., online unknown url, Birth. October 28, 1868 Gaddistown, Union County, GA. Death January 7, 1939 Madison, Morgan County, GA. Burial Madison Historic Cemeteries, Madison, Morgan County, GA.

Arthur Gurley1

M, b. October 1872
FatherWilliam Henry Washington Gurley1 b. 25 Nov 1844, d. 19 Nov 1915
     Arthur Gurley was born in October 1872.1


  1. [S255] One Barton Family from South Carolina, online www.eatel.net/~barton.

Jane Gurley1

F, b. 1873
FatherWilliam Henry Washington Gurley1 b. 25 Nov 1844, d. 19 Nov 1915
     Jane Gurley was born in 1873 at Georgia.1


  1. [S255] One Barton Family from South Carolina, online www.eatel.net/~barton.

Walter M. Gurley1

M, b. 1875
FatherWilliam Henry Washington Gurley1 b. 25 Nov 1844, d. 19 Nov 1915
     Walter M. Gurley was born in 1875 at Georgia.1


  1. [S255] One Barton Family from South Carolina, online www.eatel.net/~barton.

Andrew Gurley1

M, b. 1879
FatherWilliam Henry Washington Gurley1 b. 25 Nov 1844, d. 19 Nov 1915
     Andrew Gurley was born in 1879.1


  1. [S255] One Barton Family from South Carolina, online www.eatel.net/~barton.

V. Gurley1

?, b. 1882
FatherWilliam Henry Washington Gurley1 b. 25 Nov 1844, d. 19 Nov 1915
     V. Gurley was born in 1882 at Georgia.1


  1. [S255] One Barton Family from South Carolina, online www.eatel.net/~barton.

Callie (?)1

F, b. 1875
     Callie (?) was born in 1875 at Tennessee.1 She married James D. Gurley, son of William Henry Washington Gurley, in 1891.1


James D. Gurley b. 1867


  1. [S255] One Barton Family from South Carolina, online www.eatel.net/~barton.